Along the Garonne, Pyrenees and the Camino del Norte
Stage 5: Toulouse to Santander
Stage 5 took me from Toulouse, in the French foothills of the Pyrenees, to Santander on the northern Spanish coast. The observant will notice that I walked west, not east towards Rome. The reason I was walking west was to walk on the Camino del Norte in the same direction as the other pilgrims walking to Santiago de Compostela – although I did meet many walking east!
I started by walking 5 days, south-west along the Via Garonne, which follows the Garonne river through many small and historic villages in France.
I then followed the foothills of the Pyrenees, passing Lourdes, one of the major centres in the Catholic faith, before continuing to the Atlantic coast and the French-Spanish border – all in all 11 days with fabulous views towards the Pyrenees and the green, rolling countryside.
From Hondarribia I continued along the Camino del Norte, along the northern Spanish coast until I reached Santander – from where I’d started Stage 4 of my walk to Rome.
On this trip I went from close to 40C the first days, to heavy rain and below 10C on some stages. But I was also lucky, as I’d planned to cross the Pyrenees at Somport, but changed my mind just before travelling. The day I was supposed to cross, there was torrential rain in the whole region (also where I was), but the only road passing Somport was washed away and some walkers were stranded.
The map below represent what I planned to walk, and is fairly, but by no means 100% accurate in relation to what I actually walked. However, each blog contains a map of what I actually did walk.
Finally I create this site for me, so that in the coming years, when I probably no longer can walk on long trips, can recall via words and pictures the adventures I have had. If it is useful or inspiration for anybody else, that is an added plus! Feel free to contact me for information or questions.
Toulouse to Santander blog