Camino Portugues
For 26 days (incl. 3 rest days) during February and August 2023, I walked ca. 650 kms along the Camino Portugues, starting just outside Lisbon and ending in Santiago de Compostela. From Porto I took the coastal route to Caminha and walked inland to Tui. During my walk, I included the Camino Nascente between Tomar and Fatima, the Camino Carmelite between Fatima and Coimbra and the Variante Espirituel between Pontevedra and Padron.
I had fantastic weather on both trips, although two days with almost 40 degrees (C) was not ideal walking weather. I only experienced one day with rain. In Portugal and Spain, beyond the nice climate, I was also blessed with great food and places to stay, and lots of nice people along the trail. There were also a fair few challenges – buying and breaking-in new shoes after the ones I had brought fell apart on the Fisherman’s Way, a train strike on my transport day, a couple of extremely boring stages, a couple of hot stages, a pulled muscle, a rolled ancle so I missed a stage, taking a train 27 stops instead of one and a realsisation that I am a few years older than the last time I walked day after day for three weeks!
But no complaints. Portugal and Spain are beautiful, it’s inhabitants helpful, the food is good and fresh, and pretty much everywhere I stayed, the room was fine and clean and service perfect.
About the Camino itself, I felt that the most interesting stages were in Spain, after I crossed the border to Tui. Lisbon to Porto was a mixed pleasure and not least the stages close to Porto were mainly road walking, but the town of Tomar, Coimbra and Fatima, well worth a re-visit, as were Tui and Pontevedra. Added to that, spring hadn’t arrived when I walked in February, so almost certainly, the countryside is more beautiful and enjoyable in April and May.
Despite the challenges, it was an enjoyable trip along the Camino Portugues.
Day by day account ...