
Walking from home


To see all posts from the Danish Pilgrimage in sequence (Day 1 to 42), click here.

Sjæland, Lolland, Falster

Danish Pilgrimage

From Helsingør to Rødby

During 2020 I walked from Helsingør on the Swedish border, to Rødby on the border to Germany.

Helsingør to Rødby
Danish Pilgrimage

From Tårnby to Korsør

During the summer of 2020 I walked west across Sjælland from Tårnby (outside Copenhagen) to Korsør, where the bridge to Fyn is situated.

Tårnby to Korsør


Danish Pilgrimage

Nyborg to Middelfart

I took the train from Korsør to Nyborg across the 16km "Storebælt" bridge - walking not allowed. From Nyborg I spent 3 days walking east to west across the island of Fyn, staying in Odense and Fjelsted, before arriving in Middelfart.

Nyborg to Middelfart
Danish Pilgrimage

Odense to Bøjden

I had passed Odense going east to west, and started here again to go south towards Bøjden and the ferry to the island of Als. I walked for 2 days, staying overnight, a bit off the pilgrimage route, in Brobyværk.

Odense to Bøjden

Jylland and Sønderjylland

Danish Pilgrimage/Hærvejen

Frederikshavn/Hirtshals to Padborg

During 2021 I walked the Hærvejen from Frederikshavn to Padborg, and in 2022 from Hirtshals to Aars.

I walked the Hærvejen in 4 separate trips:

1. Aars to Spjarup (near Vejen) - August 2021
2. Spjarup to Padborg - September 2021
3. Frederikshavn to Aars - October 2021
4. Hirtshals to Aars - May 2022

Danish Pilgrimage/Gendarmstien

Fynshav to Kruså

I took the boat from Bøjden (Fyn) to Fynshav and walked across Als to Sønderborg and on to Kruså at the German border, over 2 days - mostly following the so called Gendarmstien. The Gendarmstien is named after the old border gendarmes, who, for a number of years guarded the land border between Germany and Denmark and controlled shipping along the coast. The patrol took place on foot in the time from the Reunification in 1920 until 1958.

Fynshav to Kruså
Danish Pilgrimage

Middelfart to Vejen

On my trip east to west over Sjælland and Fyn, I walked over the Lillebælt bridge connecting Fyn to Jylland and walked to Fredericia, Kolding and ended in Vejen.

Vejen is the point at which the east-west part of the Danish Pilgrimage meets Hærvejen (Ox-road) that goes north-south through Jylland.

Middelfart to Vejen