Danish Pilgrimage Denmark Hærvejen (Ox Road) Jylland (Jutland)

Day 39: Bøglum to Hune

I was the only person staying at the B&B, and replenished after a nice breakfast, I set off on what would be 30 km walk, initially through the countryside and later along fairly quiet roads on my way to Hune.

It was a mostly sunny throughout the day and for the first many kilometers, the Abbey was in clear view (behind me, as I was walking south).

Again today, I passed many fields full of mustard flowers in full bloom.

Just after Thise I took a break, with a great view across the yellow and green fields (picture above). I also passed a stone commemorating Jens Thise (actually called Møller) a Danish poet and writer from the early 20th century.

After Thise and Manna I continued south west towards Fårup, along quiet country roads.

Fårup is famous for its Tivoli, still closed in early May. The text reads, “The best experiences, are the ones we have together”. Very telling when I was all alone and my legs were tired!

It was only a few more kilometers to Hune, and, as luck would have it, it was along a path, between summer cottages, where they had just laid new wood chippings. Very soft and nice to walk along.

Just after 3pm, I arrived at Hune. I was staying in the hostel, next to Hune church. As last night, I was the only person staying overnight.

Originally built in the 12th century and upgraded with a tower in 1489, the church has twice been threatened to be engulfed by sand, but saved both times. I visited the local baker for a danish pastry and coffee and enjoyed a pizza for dinner.

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