Coast, countryside and even more coast
Stage 4: Santander to A Coruna
Rugged coastlines, spectacular rock formations after millions of years of seas beating against them, rolling countryside and the fantastic regions of Asturias and Cantabria.
In April and May 2024 over 23 days I walked the Camino del Norte from Santander to Ribadeo, where pilgrims on their way to Santiago start walking inland, away from the coast. Instead, I continued along the coast towards A Coruna, following the Cantabrian Sea Nature Trail from Ribadeo to Ortigueira, Costa Galega, between Ortigueira and Ferrol and Camino Ingles between Ferrol and Mino and then backroads to A Coruna. The stretch between Ribadeo and Ferrol to a certain extent follows the Camino do Mar, which there is talk of becoming an official Camino route.
This blog covers the part of the walk from Santander to Ribadeo. Where possible I have followed alternative routes that have taken me closer to the coast, and thereby not strictly followed the official Camino del Norte.
I hope to walk from Irun to Santander during the autumn of 2024, at which time I will update this page.
The maps below represent what I planned to walk, and is fairly, but by no means 100% accurate in relation to what I actually walked. However, each blog contains a map of what I actually did walk.
Finally I create this site for me, so that in the coming years, when I probably no longer can walk on long trips, can recall via words and pictures the adventures I have had. If it is useful or inspiration for anybody else, that is an added plus! Feel free to contact me for information or questions.
Santander to A Coruna blog