Italy Via della Costa

Spectacular Liguria

Stage 3: Via della Costa (Vence to La Spezia)

Spectacular villages nested on mountains or clinging to the coast, pastel coloured house, rugged coastlines, sandy beaches, high mounts and great food on top. What more could anybody setting off on a hike want?

I walked the Via della Costa in March 2024 plus three stages of the Via Aurelia in France. In total, I walked 412 kms from Roquefort near Grasse in France, to La Spezia, south of the Cinque Terre National Park, including 12.500m elevation.

I had next to no expectations to this trip, actually expecting it to be a bit boring. How wrong I was! I highly recommend the this beautiful hike through Liguria.

The map below is what I planned to walk, and is fairly accurate in relation to what I walked.

Finally I create this site for me, so that in the coming years, when I probably no longer can walk, can recall via words and pictures the adventures I have had. If it is useful or inspiration for anybody else, that is an added plus! Feel free to contact me for information or questions.

Via della Costa blog

Day 1: Roquefort to Gattiers, La Manda March 5, 2024 We were staying with our Swedish friends, Maggie and Göran, from our time in France - our first return to the Cote d'Azur since 2014. After a good breakfast, Maggie, Göran, Lene and I drove to the La Manda bridge in Gattiers, walking this stage in reverse. It was a glorious day for walking. We… Read more >
Day 2: Gattiers, La Manda Bridge to Laghet
March 7, 2024 Another beautiful day for walking. Yet another day over 1.000m in ascent (1040m) and an achievable distance of 25kms despite the ups and downs. As with day 1, I had decided to take this leg in reverse, so Lene drove me to the Sanctuarie Notre-Dame de Laghet, in the mountains between Nice and Monaco. There… Read more >
Day 3: Laghet to Menton March 9, 2024 Nostalgic in Menton, great views over the rich and famous in Monaco and Cap-Martin and rain. Today we said goodbye to Maggie and Göran and their fantastic hospitality over the past six days. Lene drove me to Laghet and the Sanctuaire Notre Dame de Laghet. Today's destination was Menton, on the border between France and… Read more >
Day 4: Menton to San Remo
March 10, 2024 My first day walking in Italy, and a missed opportunity which could have made a not particularly inspiring walk more interesting! In France I was walking the GR653A, also known as Via Aurelia, whilst in Italy, the path continues as the Via della Costa. It will be interesting to see the difference - if any.… Read more >
Day 5: San Remo to Tarrazzo March 11, 2024 Today I suffered for my breakfast choice, found a packed church at 11am on a Monday, got wet feet despite no rain, walked through 5 hill top villages and missed Lene by 200m. All in all, a pleasant days walking in primarily cloudy conditions, no rain, 32km and 1080m ascent. I had taken a croissant for… Read more >
Day 6: Tarrazzo to Andora March 12, 2024 A long day with long climbs, closed churches, wet feet and a black pizza. After a good nights sleep and fine breakfast, I left Lene in Tarrazzo and set off down the hill from the village, passing the villages other church (even the smallest village seems to have two churches) and crossing the Prino River… Read more >
Day 7: Alassio to Finale Ligure March 13, 2024 Today I could really feel the breath of history underfoot during the 30km with 794m ascent walk to Finale Ligure. Yesterday I finished in Andora and spent the night ca. 10km further along the trail outside Alassio. So today I started just 50m from where we were staying, and will walk the missing kilometers between… Read more >
Day 8: Alassio to Andora/Finale Ligure to Spotorno March 14, 2024 The Italian wall of fame, miniature cakes and new baked biscuits in the middle of nowhere. A sunny day, walking 28kms and an ascent of 890m. On day 6 I finished walking in Andora, but started day 7 in Alassio (where we are were staying). Today I walked the 12kms from  Alassio to Andora, whereafter… Read more >
Day 9: Spotorno to Celle Ligure March 15, 2024 Don't trust the weather forecast. I did 🙁 . Wild boar, Danish art by Asger Jorn and Olmo bicycles. A shorter walk today, 23 km and a mere 538m in ascent. The day started in the forest before reaching the coast and staying there through Savona and onto Celle Ligure. The weather forecast said cloudy,… Read more >
Day 10: Celle Ligure to Genova (Voltri) March 16, 2024 A closed tunnel causses a 3km detour and an unexpected Milan-San Remo cycle classic. Today should have been an easy 20km trip along the coast with next to no ascent. Thanks to a closed tunnel, I had a more than 3km detour, including a number of climbs, so I ended up with over 400m ascent.… Read more >
Day 11: Genova (20km) March 17, 2024 Today I should have walked 19km from the Genova neighbourhood Voltri, where I finished yesterday, to the centre of the city. The walk would have taken me along the coast past the container docks, the airport and the massive cruise ship terminal. Instead, I decided to walk the 19km, but sightseeing in Genova. The owner… Read more >
Day 12: Genova to Camogli March 18, 2024 Short 21km walk to Camolgli. Mostly road walking in rain, but wow, the towns I passed and visited were fantastic. When I planned the trip, I had built up an expectation that today it would be sunny. Every picture of Camogli I have seen, the sun was shining. I'd planned a short day, so Lene… Read more >
Day 13: Camogli to Sestri Levante March 19, 2024 A great day in the sun, lots of ups and downs, beautiful towns and a night in a historic home, and not to forget, burnt cream and sugar for dessert. Today was a long day, 33kms and 1166m elevation. I took the train from Genova station, conveniently close by, to Camogli. The train was delayed,… Read more >
Day 14: Sestri Levante to Levanto March 20, 2024 30km on another beautiful day for walking, 1300m elevation, 40% inclines and walking through a 5km long tunnel. I suppose it is a sign of just how fabulous the views have been throughout this trip, that one eventually can hardly be bothered to take my camera out of its clip on my daypack, to take… Read more >
Day 15: Levanto to La Spezia March 21, 2024 Changed plans, a thousand or more steps, the sun above but cloud below and the highest elevation profile of the whole trip. The original plan was to walk from Levanto, to the first of the five villages in Cinque Terre and then walk along the coast from village to village. Unfortunately, the paths along the… Read more >
Day 16: Cinque Terre March 22, 2024 Cinque Terre, the five towns, is a string of five ancient fishing villages clinging to the coastline, surrounded by mountains (up to ca. 800m). The tiny villages were until recently linked only by mule tracks and accessible only by rail or water. Beyond the five villages, Cinque Terre is also a National Park and a… Read more >
Via della Costa – Conclusion April 10, 2024 Spectacular villages nested on mountains or clinging to the coast, pastel coloured house, rugged coastlines, sandy beaches, high mounts and great food on top. What more could anybody setting off on a hike want? Starting March 5th 2024, I walked for 16 days, 3 in France along the Via Aurelia and 13 in Italy along… Read more >
Day 5: Saint-Gaudens to Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges August 30, 2024 I am my own worst enemy. I was supposed to walk 22km, but ended up doing almost 30km, as I chose a different route that added 5km, and then walked a 3km diversion for lunch (which is the positive way of saying that I missed a turn and didn’t realise before I was close to… Read more >
Day 6: Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges to La-Barthe-de-Neste August 31, 2024 Van Morison sang “There will be days like this” and Paul Simon “Slip sliding away”. They pretty much sum up my day. Although a short day, 24km with 650m elevation, it was a day of challenges. It rained through the night with lightening every 5-10 seconds. Even the French had never seen anything quite like… Read more >
Day 7: La-Barthe-du-Neste to Bagneres-du-Bigore September 1, 2024 It was a wet start to a long stage, 34km (of which 1km was following wrong paths) with almost 1000m of elevation and a highest point today at 850m. It had rained all night, and rained, albeit lightly, for a couple of hours after leaving the B&B. As La-Barthe-du-Neste isn't on the official route, I… Read more >
Day 8: Bagneres-du-Bigore to Lourdes September 2, 2024 Today I experienced the great and worst of walking. Spectacular (an understatement) views, good walkable paths and clear signage. But also paths so overgrown and often muddy that one could discuss whether they can be considered paths at all, and worse, paths in the middle of nowhere that were closed - without warning and without… Read more >
Day 9: Lourdes to Lestelle-Betharram September 3, 2024 After yesterdays marathon 12 hour effort, today was a short day, only 17km and 380m in elevation. I slept late, and the lady at breakfast took a pity on me, and gave me two of everything at the French breakfast (2 coffee, 2 croissant and 2 pieces of baguette). I spent the morning walking around… Read more >
Day 10: Lestelle-Betharram to Arudy September 4, 2024 It rained all night. It rained all morning. It rained most of the afternoon. 30mm in 24 hours and on a day where I walked 29km and an elevation of 850m. Luckily I didn't have to check-out before 12 o'clock, but I hoped that the rain at least eased up before that, given the length… Read more >
Day 11: Arudy to Oloron-Sainte-Marie September 5, 2024 It’s downhill from the Pyrenees foothills towards the Atlantic coast. Whilst today had an overall elevation of over 500m, I walked downhill pretty much all day, from 420m in Audry to 220m in Orolon. Over the past few days, the scenery has barely changed - lots of forest, farmland, corn fields and a few villages… Read more >
Day 12: Oloron-Sainte-Marie to Navarrenx September 6, 2024 Another rainy day and another day downhill towards the Atlantic coast. A 22km walk, 300m elevation and a 120m fall in elevation from Oloron to Navarrenx. It was raining and 13 degrees when I went for breakfast and never reached over 20 degrees the whole day. Not even comparable to back home in Copenhagen where… Read more >
Day 13: Navarrenx to Saint-Palais September 7, 2024 Today I’m tired, both because of walking, but equally because I have spoken French all day. Another day primarily along roads, 28km and 600m elevation. My day of speaking French started at breakfast, with the owner of the hostel. We talked about many things, but what he stressed as being most important was that I… Read more >
Day 14: Saint-Palais to Louhossoa September 8, 2024 A day of many ups and downs, six climbs and descents, with a long descent into the pretty Basque village of Louhossoa with is characteristic red and white houses. All in all 36km and almost 1.000m in elevation. At Saint-Palais other walkers walk to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port and the Camino Frances, whilst I will follow a so… Read more >
Day 15: Louhossoa to Saint-Pee-sur-Nivelle September 9, 2024 A shorter and relatively flat day, as the terrain become flatter as I near the coast. Only 22km and despite some fairly strenuous climbs, a total elevation of 650m. The climbs were steep but fairly short. It's still fairly muddy, with the puddles the full width of the path in several places. The day started… Read more >
Day 16: Saint-Pee-sur-Nivelle to Hondarribis September 10, 2024 My last day in France, as I head towards the Atlantic and the French-Spanish border. A 31km day, with 3 initial climbs with a total elevation of 650m, and thereafter, it was pretty much flat all the way. Leaving after breakfast, the day started with a pleasant walk along the Nivelle river before starting the… Read more >