It was two years and a day since I last was in Mealhada. Back then I decided to take the train to Mealhada and walk the few kilometers to Sernadelo, so that I could spend the morning in Coimbra and not least see it’s world famous library. Again this year, I decided to take the train to Mealhada and walk back to Coimbra where I had booked a bus departing at 16.00. However, there was a more pressing goal, to be back in Coimbra no later than 13.30 as a torrential downpour was expected about then.
I was ready for breakfast just as they opened and was on the free shuttle bus by 8am to get to Coimbra-B station. The bus took 5 mins so I was in plenty of time for the 8.50 regional (slow) train to take me the 5 stops.
The 24kms were mostly along country roads with some dirt tracks through yet more eucalyptus forests. I met 6 other walkers, one walking to Fatima and the others towards Santiago.
As I got closer to Coimbra, it was all road and the first drops of rain landed on my glasses. I tried to pick up the pace, but was feeling tired, so it was difficult. Roughly 100m before reaching the bus station in Coimbra, the rain started. It was a heavy downpour so I had to run for cover and managed to get into the building without getting too wet.
There were a couple of hours before the bus would leave, so I considered my choices, which weren’t many given the rain. I ended up in McDonalds, next to the bus station. Just as I finished ordering a group of ca. 100 teenagers trooped in. They were so many that when the first had finished eating the last were still ordering.
The bus was 30mins delayed and full, stopping in Porto and at Porto airport before continuing to Viana do Costello, arriving almost 1 hour delayed. I checked into the hotel, the same as in August 2023. Back then the town was jam packed and was hosting both a town carnival and the end of the cycle race Tour of Portugal. I’d sprained my ankle, so I didn’t see either of them. This time the town center was empty, and found a Brazilian restaurant for dinner.