Danish Pilgrimage Denmark Hærvejen (Ox Road) Jylland (Jutland)

Day 42: Løgstør to Aars

Day 42, the last day of my Danish Pilgrimage that has taken me across much of Denmark since I started out walking from Helsingør to Hillerød nback in 2020. It’s been great to see Denmark on foot, visiting many places that I otherwise would never have come. My last day was a 28km walk following the Himmerland path from Løgstør to Aars. The path is built on the old railway track from Løgsør to Viborg via Aars, and I had already walked along parts of the stretch between Aars and Viborg on days 21 and 22.

To be truthful, walking along a disused railway track is pretty boring. There isn’t a lot to see, as much of the path is surrounded by high hedges, and one hardly meet anybody along the path. My plan was to be in Aars no later than 2pm, to be able to catch a bus to Hobro and the train back to Copenhagen. It was a bright and sunny day, although fairly windy.

I left the hotel after breakfast and taking a picture of the coast outside the hotel. I was fairly quickly on the path and from there, it was pretty much impossible to make a wrong turn.

I took a break on the story bench below, and again in the only village I passed through, Hornum, a station on the old train route.

I had plenty of time to spare as I continued along the path towards Aars.

A kilometer or so before Aars, the path merged with the path I had walked from Byrsted to Aars on day 37th, where the planet system was set up to show how far from the sun the different planets actually are and their size in relation to each other. This time I passed Jupiter and took a final picture together with the sun.

I had over an hour to kill, so I bought a sandwich and visited Aars church, but I couldn’t go in as a wedding was about to take place. I caught the bus and waited 30 mins for the train to take me back to Copenhagen.

I’m not sure how many kilometers I actually walked, perhaps I’ll count them one day, but it’s been a great experience, and amazingly it has hardly rained.

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