Danish Pilgrimage Denmark Hærvejen (Ox Road) Jylland (Jutland)

Day 40: Hune to Slettestrand

Today was going to be another long day – I recalled it was a 30km day, but actually it was 38km, and I didn’t get to the hotel until past 6pm. But it was a beautiful trip, as I hope the pictures below illustrate. It was also a day of a big surprise.

As I left Hune, I passed the worlds largest sand sculpture park, before entering Blokhus Plantation, with paths covered in needles that had fallen off the trees. They act like a spring making walking so much easier on the legs.

The morning was a mixture of walking through forest and wide open sandy heath/shrub areas.

The feature image is a couple from New Zealand. I met them whilst taking a rest after about 15km. They told me that over many years they had travelled from New Zealand to Denmark to walk a part of the Ox Road (Hærvejen) and they did this to coincide with a family reunion in Bornholm, where the ladies ancestors originally came from. My wife’s mother comes from the Danish island of Bornholm, and she is part of the same family via her grandmother. Such a small world.

The weather picked up in the afternoon and it turned into a pleasant sunny afternoon, and by evening it was fairly warm. I continued past Tranum walking along a ridge with views towards Jammerbugten.

At Lerup Church I entered (Fosdalen) Fos Valley a beautiful nature path through a narrow valley. The path was even more spectacular due to the abundance of primroses and yellow pilewort along the valley sides and floor.

It was a steep climb out of the valley, which reminded me of many such climbs in Japan.

I arrived at the hotel at 6pm. I was tired. The hotel was packed and agreed to wait for dinner until 6.30pm. It took forever and the fish course tasted odd, but I was hungry, could see everybody else had eaten it. I don’t know if it was the fish or not, but in the middle of the night I woke up and vomited like I had never done before in my life.

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