Danish Pilgrimage Denmark Hærvejen (Ox Road) Jylland (Jutland)

Day 25: Sepstrup to Gudenåens source

We drove from Horsens back to Sepstrup and I was on my way by 9.30. It was gray and damp as I started of on what would end up being 31kms with a chaotic end at Gudenåens (Denmarks longest river) source. But more about that later.

Today I continued north passing farms, forest and moors covered in heather.

I passed through Vrads Sande, and area of inland dunes formed by the sand drift which devastated large parts of Jutland from the 16th to the 19th century. A large part of the area became a conservation area in 1968. The area is covered by dense heather and/or grass.

My lunch time bench!

I walked almost completely along paths today, only very short stretches along roads.

I passed Nørre Snede and its prison, without seeing either.

The last two kilometers went to Gudenåens source, where I planned to meet my wife. However communication is difficult, and Lene had ended up somewhere completely different. My telephone was almost flat and I hadn’t carried a charger with me. My wifes was also and the GPS couldn’t direct her to where I was, ending in a dead end. 90 mins after the agreed meeting time, and with 1% left on her phone and 2% on my phone, we finally found each other. But I never got to actually see Gudenåens source.

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