Danish Pilgrimage Denmark Sjælland (Zealand), Lolland, Falster Sjælland East to West Sjælland North to South

Day 4: Roskilde to Ringsted

Officially Roskilde to Ringsted is 43km, but by the time I arrived in Ringsted, early evening, my GPS showed 51km and almost 9hrs walking and 1hr30 rest. It was a long day, but again today, a reflection of how beautiful the countryside can be in Denmark during summer.

I drove to Roskilde and left the car at the parking next to the station. The first kilometers passed through the town. The statue of Lise Nørregaard on the pedestrian street and the cathedral and the houses in front of the cathedral.

The next 3 or 4 kms passed along the Roskilde Fjord, where some of the paths were under water. It was fairly cold and windy walking along the fjord.

After passing through Boserup forest, the trail took me south towards Lejre.

Lejre, home to the Land of legends (Sagnlandet Lejre), a center for experimental archaeology and education, has extensive remains from both Iron Age as well as Viking Age settlements. Beyond Denmarks largest viking hall the site also houses many  reconstructions and recreations from different periods of Denmark’s history— from pre-history to the Viking Age. Passing during summer, the place was packed with tourists. However the rolling landscape, which switched between beach forest and wheat fields, yet to be harvested, was beautiful at this time of year.

After Lejre, I continued south through Møllesø Skov (forest) and following Ledreborg Å (stream) towards Avnsø (lake).

Just before Avnsø, I passed Bøllesø (lake) with its many waterlilies.

From Avnsø, where a group of scouts were swimming, I continued south along Valdemars path (a private road for the King, when travelling back and forth from Roskilde) through Bidstrup skov (forest) towards Gårdsø (lake), where I took a break overlooking the lake, and the historical tram museum.

I continued south  towards Haraldsted and its church and lake. I’d already walked ca. 34 kms, so I was pretty sure that the 43 kms I was expecting (read hoping) to walk wasn’t going to cut it. From the map there was another 16 or so kms to walk. It was going to be a long day. After a cloudy start to the day it had turned into a beautiful afternoon. The walk down towards the lake offered fantastic views over the countryside and the not yet harvested fields.

The last 7kms after the lake, was along a path that followed Ringsted Å (stream). It was getting on for 7pm by the time I reached the station to take the train back Roskilde, where very stiff in my legs, I drove home, tired, but again impressed by the varied and beautiful nature I had walked through.

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