Danish Pilgrimage Denmark Hærvejen (Ox Road) Jylland (Jutland)

Day 41: Slettestrand to Løgstør

After a terrible night following a potential food poisoning, I woke up feeling OK. I had a very light breakfast and set off first along the coast and then inland via Fjerritslev to Løgstør, 35 km.

The first 6km were in the dunes along the coast, passing Svinkløv Hotel, renovated following a fire in 2016, that totally destroyed it.

Whilst the Danish Pilgrimage route turns inland towards Fjerritslev, the North Sea Route continues along the coast. At Svinklovene, at 40m above sea level, there is a great view along the cosst. Today was a bit cloudy, so my picture below, doesn’t do the view any justice.

Walking south was through a forested area, until the outskirts of Fjerritslev.

In Fjerritslev I could feel that the vomiting during the night and light breakfast was beginning to take effect. I stopped at a supermarket in town and bought a cake to bring up my blood sugar levels. The town was busy, being Friday, but I just walked through. On the way out of town I passed another baker, a real baker this time, who had good old fashioned prune slices, something you can’t find in Copenhagen any longer. So I stopped and bought a second cake and took a longer break. There was still another 20km before Løgstør – I wasn’t sure whether I was up to it.

Most of the remaining kilometers were along roads, apart from a short climb up to the memorial stone at Husby Hole (featured picture) to commemorate a bloody civil war in 1441 where peasants were slaughtered by the then King of Bavaria, after they had trapped his army by digging a hole and covering it, so the kings horsemen fell in and were captured.

The next notable landmark was the Aggersund Bridge, built  during WW2 and opened in 1942.

There was still another 6km to the hotel, 6 of the longest kilometers I have walked during the 1200 km Danish Pilgrimage.


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