Day 4: Roskilde to Ringsted

Officially Roskilde to Ringsted is 43km, but by the time I arrived in Ringsted, early evening, my GPS showed 51km and almost 9hrs walking and 1hr30 rest. It was a long day, but again today, a reflection of how beautiful the countryside can be in Denmark during summer. I drove to Roskilde and left the…

Day 2: Hillerød to Tåstrup

I decided to start a couple of kilometers south or where I had ended on day one. It was another beautiful day, as I walked due south from Hillerød to Tåstrup, walking just over 44kms in ca. 7 hours. I walked south through Hammersholt, through Børstingerød Mose (marsh) to Lillerød. From Lillerød I passed by…