Danish Pilgrimage Denmark Hærvejen (Ox Road) Jylland (Jutland)

Day 27: Jelling to Spjarup

Todays 27kms, were not helped by the fact that my wife and I had eaten an eight course meal with accompanying wine menu, the evening before. I was feeling a bit heavy (no hangover) as my wife dropped me off in Jelling. Added to that it was raining and would rain off and on throughout the day. I suppose I should count myself lucky, as it was the first rain since leaving Viborg a week earlier. And to cap off everything, a bridge over the river Vejle was being renovated so I was forced on a 4km detour – later I noticed that they could have signposted a 2km detour instead, which was even more frustrating as the detour was along a very congested road, and heavens took that moment for a 15 minute torrential downpour. Luckily I was prepared with rain clothes, so I didn’t get wet as such.

I left Jelling, passed through a small forest and walked to Fårup Lake – with a viking boat, and continued uphill along Jellingvej (road). From the top there were some great views over the lake and the countryside.

I was up at an elevation of ca. 100m, high for Denmark, and there were some great views, although the weather was showing itself from its most photogenic side.

If you check the picture below closely, one can see Vejle, 10km away, where my wife was spending the morning. The 5 white peaks in the background are 5 houses, built like a wave. (I’ve added a picture my wife took of them).

When I reached Vejle River which the path follows, there was detour sign due to the bridge being repaired, and I ended up on a 4km detour, along busy road and a torrential downpour, before reaching the path again at Vingsted.

In Vingsted there is a sports hotel and facility and there were many people out and about. From Vingsted, I continued along a path next to Vejle River. I met a couple of Germans who were walking from Norway, along the Hærvejen through Denmark, and would continue walking to their home in central Germany.

It started to rain again as I was coming to the end of today walk, so I ran for shelter under some trees whilst I was putting on my rain clothes. When I looked up, I noted that the road I was soon to cross was called Dry skin road! It turned out to be a shower – the last of the day.

My wife was waiting in Spjarup, for what would be the last day on this leg of my trip. It was very touching that just 500m before the end, this sigh had been set up – thanks for visiting!

Just a couple of kilometers away from Spjarup is the Bindeballe Grocery Store (Bindeballe Købmandssgård), an old-fashioned general store/museum with goods for sale (many things I remember from my younger years), plus a cafe. Well worth a visit.



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