Danish Pilgrimage Denmark Hærvejen (Ox Road) Jylland (Jutland)

Day 34: Thorshøj to Klokkerholm

I was up early for an 8.03 bus back to Thorshøj, where I had ended yesterdays walk. The weather was fresh, but sunny. Today I head a deadline, 16.42 in Klokkerholm, 30km away, for a bus towards Aalborg.

I had plenty of time, so I managed to take a picture of Frederikshavn Church and Krudttårnet, The Gun Powder tower, and round tower, one of Frederikshavn’s most famous landmarks, and now a museum.

The bus dropped me off in Thorshøj. At least it wasn’t raining, but a bit windy as I left town. The first seven kilometers to Nymølle brook, were along quiet country roads where, when you met somebody, they said hello.

It was a beautiful and varied area, with panoramic landscapes, small hills and various farmhouses.

Nymølle is a beautiful area. Almost everywhere groundwater rises to the surface and runs into Nymølle brook. the water looks very clean, but I didn’t take any chances, and drank from thee water bottle I carried instead.

I crossed a quarry stone bridge, believed to have been built during the 17th century, showing that there was healthy traffic here, already then.

Should I go left or right?

I followed the brook for 6km before reaching Fejborg Hill

The The landscape around Fejborg Bakke, is very hilly and consists of forest, fields, bogs, small lakes, pastures and heather-clad hills. There are several spots with views over the whole area and not least Jyske Ås.

I walked along part of Jyske Aas is one of Europe’s northernmost ridges consisting of 39 hill tops. Jyske Aas was formed by glaciers during the last ice age The term ‘aas’ refers to the oblong ridges of large and small stones, which were formed by the meltwater deposits from the glaciers. I carried on to my destination, Klokkerholm.

The clouds had started to drift away as I reached Klokkerholm. It seemed to be a pleasant town with a picturesque lake and church. The main road through the town was being dug up as new pavements were being laid, so my bus stop was blocked. I ended up walking to the next stop to make sure I didn’t miss the bus. I had 15 mins to spare. Unfortunately the hotel in Aalborg was on the other side of town to where the bus stopped, so I had another couple of kilometers to walk – which was tougher than the previous 30km after sitting still in a bus for over an hour.


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